Comments and Complaints

At AXA Investment Managers, we place considerable importance on providing our clients with a high-quality level of service, and we value your feedback.

In the event of dissatisfaction with the products or services, you have the right to make a complaint either with the marketer or directly with the management company. You also have the right to take legal or extra-judicial action at any time if you reside in one of the countries of the European Union. The European online dispute resolution platform allows you to enter a complaint form (by clicking here) and informs you, depending on your jurisdiction, about your means of redress (by clicking here).

You can have access to a summary of your key rights as an investor here. It is not intended to be and should not be considered as an exhaustive list of all rights which shareholders may have in respect of their investments

If you wish to make a comment or a complaint

We appreciate your feedback and welcome comments which we can use to improve your experience with us.  We aim to resolve complaints promptly and objectively, and we intend to:

  • Make it easy for you to share your ideas or tell us about your complaint
  • Carry out a thorough investigation
  • Consider our decision carefully
  • Explain our conclusions to you clearly
  • Ensure you are treated fairly
  • Learn through our mistakes

How to make a comment or a complaint

If you would like to make a comment or complaint, please let us know via your local AXA Investment Managers website:

If you cannot find what you are looking for, you can contact us by post:

Client Management Group
AXA Investment Managers
Tour Majunga
La Défense 9
6, Place de la Pyramide
92800 Puteaux

How soon will we deal with your complaint?

One of our client service specialists will attempt to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible following receipt.  

Your complaint will be investigated promptly, impartially, and thoroughly by our specialist who will provide you with a full response at the earliest opportunity.  If your complaint is particularly complex, we will need more time to investigate.

Upon completion of our review we will inform you in writing of the result.